Saturday, January 26, 2008

Another brick in the wall

The best thing Pink Floyd ever did. This song is a veritable anthem for the oppressed student, i.e. me. If college wasn't hard enough, I'd to poison my life by taking up mathematics. What did I do? How could I've been so mad? I've two assignments to give on Monday, exams next month and I know zilch! I tried studying, but it was like listening to George W. Bush. Nothing makes sense! Oh man, I'm so dead!

When did this happen? It seems like only yesterday when I was adding one and one. Now, it's a bloody race against time to make sense of incomprehensible Greek symbols, while my brother cackles maniacally in the background for no rime or reason. My brain taketh, but it not giveth. In one moment, out the next. And who can blame it, poor thing! It's been out of practice for God knows how long.

Education is supposed to inspire and enlighten me, nah? Fat chance! Rote learning in school, nothing better in college. The course is boring, the teachers are even more boring. Five minutes into a class and I'm already half asleep. I just can't deal with rote learning. I like to actually make some use of my gray matter. But, like I said, you'd be hard pressed to do that in Delhi University. The most you can do is plot evil schemes against your teachers and fantasize about their fruition.

I don't want to be a part of the rat race. But the system won't let me be. I can't deviate from the herd, I have to conform. I have to get a job, I have to earn lots of money, I have to become a model citizen. Now, I have nothing against money, but being constantly reminded about its importance is certainly a pain in the behind. And why do I have to get a job? I'd much rather sit at home and watch sitcoms. I'd also like to scream at the top of my voice from time to time, but that sort of behaviour is generally frowned upon.

I'm not for being a rebel just for the heck of it. What I want is that the world gives me some slack, instead of dragging me on a leash. I want people, especially my parents, to get off my back and stop worrying about my future. Let me do my own thing. I am an adult now, so treat me like one. And please, please, somebody please kill off all my teachers!

You know what goes well with Pink Floyd? Vodka. Oh, my kingdom for a shot...

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