Monday, March 03, 2008

Love Is On The Way

(Well, there are many things different about this post. Firstly, I gave the title after I wrote the damn thing. Secondly, this is not at all cynical; it's hopeful even. This is probably the closest I've come to expressing my true emotions in this blog, which is certainly a good thing. After all, I've to start being honest with myself about what I truly feel and not divert my thoughts into grandiose satirical soliloquies. Life is more than a well-turned phrase, you know. So anyway, here it goes...)

The lark is on the wing, the sun is out and shining (or rather, was out and shining) and all is as right as it could be. My exams are over; the results are out and I've passed rather handsomely. I'd have preferred a wee bit more than what I got, but hey, who cares? This is only the house exam, which accounts for a measly 10% of the finals. So those missed marks aren't going to hurt that much.

Life is a bit easier nowadays. Well, I shouldn't say easier. My dad is mad at me for the umteenth time this year and has barely spoken a word to me for the past two days. This phase has seen a sharp recession in my daily chores... hey, maybe that's why I'm feeling so darn happy! Apart from that, I've finally gotten back to playing on my PS2, and monster-bashing and car-crashing certainly gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling inside. If only I could share this with someone...

Typical, nah? Happy happy, joy joy, and then wham! Throw in the sadness. Yup, I'm still alone, still waiting for that special someone to come along and just make me go crazy. Not that I haven't found girls I liked, it's just that I didn't feel that spark... you know, that fizzing burning sensation that makes your ears go red and your heart palpitate like a jackrabbit on steroids. People have told me that I'm too demanding, that I should be satisfied with what I get... I say sucks to them!! Somewhere out there, someone special has my name on a placard in her hands, and damn if I'm going to miss the real thing for some sidey fling.

By the way, I did find someone, but she was otherwise engaged... sigh! You just can't win, can you? Life has this habbit of dangling a Mars bar in front of you and then suddenly, cruelly even, snatching it away right from your hands. The only thing that one can do is power up the PS2 and crack open some alien skulls. Who says video games are harmful?

P.S. Almost forgot to mention. The song is by Saigon Kick. I haven't heard any other song of theirs, but I love this one.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Rebel Yell

My favourite Billy Idol song. The title is self-explanatory, so I won't go into details. It's been one of those days. My nose is running like a leaky faucet. I'm trying to hack my way through mechanics this time (why do I even try?). Not to mention that my dad is, once again, monopolizing the telly to watch the news. NEWS? What a waste of time! Controversy after controversy, scam after bloody scam. Anchors jumping from one breaking news to the next, serious expressions and mascara firmly in place. Scamsters, schemers, swindlers and plain old sociopaths getting their fifteen minutes of fame is not my idea of time well spent. Since I've gotten on this harangue anyway, let's look at the world around us.

The general population is showing an alarming lack of grey matter. People have forgotten how to think. All we can see nowadays is grandstanding and jaded rhetoric, but even that is enough to whip mobs into homicidal frenzies. We are taking everything at face value and not even thinking of the consequences of our actions. Why? Well, here's what I think.

Like it or not, the 21st century homo sapien is one confused S.O.B. There is just too much information to handle. Too many beliefs, credos, tenets, faiths, creeds and religions to make sense of. Couple that with surviving in this cut-throat world, and we find ourselves well and truly bewildered. As it is, the advent of the 'global village' has reduced most of the human population to brainless gits. True, they can make the distinction between a Paris Hilton and a Britney Spears. Also, many of them have enough sense to laugh at everything that George W. Bush says (by the way, what does the 'W' stand for anyway?). But this is the limit of their intellectual capacity. Club this lot with those dullards who can be seen working 9-5 jobs and meandering their way through life, and we have a sorry state of affairs indeed. They are like lambs, ripe and plump and juicy, ready meat for the wolves.

The wolves are another different ballgame all together. To give an example, take Raj Thackery. He wants the Maratha votebank, so what does he do? He overhypes the issue of North Indian presence in Mumbai and other parts of Maharashtra. End result? MNS activists having a field day - trashing taxis, looting shops, roughing up innocent citizens just for the heck of it. The politician waves the wand, and the brainless zombies do his bidding. And the worst part is, it was probably a shrewd political move. Other than these idiots who get to satisfy their caveman instincts, there is an even bigger bunch of morons who will see Raj Thackery as the saviour of the Marathas and vote for his party. Most of them wouldn't have even thought about the supposed 'North Indian' invasion before he roiled them up. It's like they say, an idle mind is the devil's workshop. The inability of the common man to think for himself and not be swayed by rhetoric has made his job all the more easier.

Now let's come to those poor souls who still have something sloshing about in their craniums. More often than not, you will find them simply smothered under the collective weight of mass inertia, till they themselves become dull and devoid of the creative spark. Some might succeed in raising their voices and making themselves heard, but they will only find themselves buried under an avalanche of lawsuits and public litigations. Every self-righteous group of busybodies with iron rods shoved up their arses will then take out rallies and generally make their lives pretty difficult. More enterprising individuals will assault either them or their family members and destroy their property. These hooligans might be the biggest consumers of the M.A.F.I.A (Malayalam Adult Film Industry Association), but the people will still laud them as heroes. The police will be benevolent, the judges will be lenient. Veritable legends like M.F. Hussain and Amitabh Bacchhan have learnt it the hard way. You are with the majority, or against it. And being in opposition is very lonely indeed.

People might get the impression that I'm ranting and raving only about India. Let me correct that impression. Myanmar, Pakistan, France (the turban issue), even the USA, with its 'ideological' Iraq incursion. Authorities move ruthlessly to curb individual thought. They lure the general public on high-sounding moralistic grounds into supporting questionable endeavours. The people are left confused and more than a little terrified. Surely this is not the formula for leading a contented life.

What' the solution then? I don't know. This was meant to be an indictment of news channels. Instead, it metamorphosed into a broad denounciation of the entire human population (including me; I like Lohan better). What I can advise is to make a start. Start thinking. Don't believe any and everything under the sun. Examine the situation for yourself, and only then you should come to a conclusion. And in this internet age, when information is just a click away, that shouldn't be too hard.

P.S. Nudists will probably view this post as an endorsement. Please, sirs and ladies, don't look at it in that light. Granted, you are highly... ahem! ... 'individualistic' people, but surely you have to draw the line somewhere. Jeez! Even Adam and Eve covered up their stuff! If you are so eager to show your jewels to the world, contact the M.A.F.I.A. They are always scouting for fresh talent. The exercise will do you good!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Another brick in the wall

The best thing Pink Floyd ever did. This song is a veritable anthem for the oppressed student, i.e. me. If college wasn't hard enough, I'd to poison my life by taking up mathematics. What did I do? How could I've been so mad? I've two assignments to give on Monday, exams next month and I know zilch! I tried studying, but it was like listening to George W. Bush. Nothing makes sense! Oh man, I'm so dead!

When did this happen? It seems like only yesterday when I was adding one and one. Now, it's a bloody race against time to make sense of incomprehensible Greek symbols, while my brother cackles maniacally in the background for no rime or reason. My brain taketh, but it not giveth. In one moment, out the next. And who can blame it, poor thing! It's been out of practice for God knows how long.

Education is supposed to inspire and enlighten me, nah? Fat chance! Rote learning in school, nothing better in college. The course is boring, the teachers are even more boring. Five minutes into a class and I'm already half asleep. I just can't deal with rote learning. I like to actually make some use of my gray matter. But, like I said, you'd be hard pressed to do that in Delhi University. The most you can do is plot evil schemes against your teachers and fantasize about their fruition.

I don't want to be a part of the rat race. But the system won't let me be. I can't deviate from the herd, I have to conform. I have to get a job, I have to earn lots of money, I have to become a model citizen. Now, I have nothing against money, but being constantly reminded about its importance is certainly a pain in the behind. And why do I have to get a job? I'd much rather sit at home and watch sitcoms. I'd also like to scream at the top of my voice from time to time, but that sort of behaviour is generally frowned upon.

I'm not for being a rebel just for the heck of it. What I want is that the world gives me some slack, instead of dragging me on a leash. I want people, especially my parents, to get off my back and stop worrying about my future. Let me do my own thing. I am an adult now, so treat me like one. And please, please, somebody please kill off all my teachers!

You know what goes well with Pink Floyd? Vodka. Oh, my kingdom for a shot...