Monday, October 26, 2009

It's My Life

Not having a good internship process. Not to go into specifics, but let's just say that the carpet was whisked out from under my feet just when I was patting myself on the back for a job well done. I don't know who to blame for this bizarre turn of events - my incapability to nail the opportunity, the company for screwing me over like this or the myriad jokers running the operation who probably loused up my chances in other companies. Bottom line - I'm pretty much in the soup.

People console me, tell me this happens every year. There's are always a few jokers in the pack who think they are trumps, only to return to the bottom of the pile. I'm not the only one who feels like the sky fell on his or her head. I'm better off than at least one or two of them in that some companies have shortlisted me. Still, it's hard to sit idle on your butt while your friends are scurrying about trying to chart their future. Ah well.

Why should I feel down? I know my worth, and it's damn much more than most of the dunces here. If the companies are dumb enough to go by stupid brands and asinine marks that pass for our sorry education system, then let them play their childish games. Let them have their fun with GDs and behavioral tests and all that crap. It's baby's day out, let him have his rattle so that he can make noise, get attention and have a jolly good time. I want no part of it.

I'm not defined by what these dodos with water on their brains think. I'm my own man (yes, I said man). I've always been my own man. I'm not going to let narrow-minded numskulls mess with my head and damage my ego. It's too bloody big to be damaged by these pebbles. I might seem down and out. I might even be the last one selected. So what? I'll do a damn good job wherever I go, and those who are lucky enough to select me will soon be thanking their lucky stars.

I've let this sham affect me too much. I'm bigger than anyone, a colossus striding this orb as it makes its squirrely way across the ether. One way or another, I'm going to take the world by storm. Erect as many roadblocks as you can. Mock me, Humiliate me, try your level best to bring me down. You don't have a prayer. No sirree. Like this Bon Jovi song says, 'It's now or never, I ain't gonna live forever". And I'd be damned if I let anyone spoil that for me.


Betty Foy said...

You don't just stand by when people screw you over kid. You get drunk and put it into your magnum opus all the while exaggerating everything that transpired, with a very very thin veil - just so you don't get sued.
And when it's judgment day and we're all standing like new born babes before God, he in his greatness will realise that while the rest were all rich suits, YOU were a famous rich non-suit who screwed them over each time he hovered his little finger over the 'F' key on his keyboard.
And guess who gets to be God's Reaper then... you, m'boy... you!
Long live oligomanopsygarchy... all for one... that one is me... who moved my cheese. Ad nauseum.

Kirra Serra said...

As I said- There is comfort in narcissism.
And as for Betty... never mind.
Better yet- go self employed. There is an entrepreneur in all of us! Then you could give me a job and get me out of studying for boards...

Kirra Serra said...

Okay, fine! Don't agree with me, but at least don't get startled into seclusion! Write already.

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