Saturday, August 25, 2012


A hiatus, if you so please. A hiatus necessitated by the diktats of another government that frowns upon freedom of speech and thought in any form. A hiatus which was then perpetuated by sheer lack of will after I came back to my own country's shores. Always a lot to say, but no burning need to make time to pen down these sage musings for posterity; no time in fact to indulge my love for the written word and what magical vistas one can weave with just a string of these ant-like strokes. Obviously I am a bit of an arse to be like this, so let me get back on the straight and narrow with the greatest alacrity.

So here I am, back in front of the all-too-familiar computer screen which for once is not displaying some inane website or colorful Japanese anime. Just my fingers clattering on the keyboard as music booms through the woofer next to me. Blissfully relaxing this actually. I had forgotten this feeling. These past few weeks I have roamed in foreign lands, seen sights that I'd probably never see before, met friends who now lie separated by entire continents, returned on flustered wings as cyclones raged around the aluminum canister that cocooned me, scampered through carpeted office alleyways on missions of great urgency, re-connected with friends and family and most importantly re-embraced my love. Hell of a ride it has been and it has taken so much time just to get back to the normalcy I'd taken for granted scant months back. Not a major earth-shaking breakthrough for sure, but one does tend to treasure these few ephemeral moments when thoughts are not whizzing around in my head at the speed of light.

Not to say that I'm bored though. Far from it. There is always so much to do and look forward to every time the sun shines through my window. There are always those twin twinkles and sparkling smile that I can always lose myself into. So much madness, mayhem and merriment yet to be wrought; so many tragedies and terrors yet to be faced; so much to delight in, so much more to suffer through; so many things I still haven't seen or heard in this world. Self-indulgent grandstanding again this I know. I have a habit of not saying anything concrete in spite of all this verbiage. But that was the point of this blog anyway, to escape from practicality and reality and all associated bull crap and let the mind wander wherever it wants. Seems like mine likes building castles in the air.

I hope to one day actually make some sense with my posts. Till then you can probably marvel at these colorful frothy concoctions instead that collapse with the faintest breeze. It might not win me any literary prizes but it is still a damned sight braving the traffic. And on this note I conclude and hope that one day scientists perfect teleportation so that the world can be saved my ranting. Cheerio!


underdog said...

welcome back Count!
looking forward to some more!

underdog said...
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freefallcon said...

Thanks :)