Monday, March 03, 2008

Love Is On The Way

(Well, there are many things different about this post. Firstly, I gave the title after I wrote the damn thing. Secondly, this is not at all cynical; it's hopeful even. This is probably the closest I've come to expressing my true emotions in this blog, which is certainly a good thing. After all, I've to start being honest with myself about what I truly feel and not divert my thoughts into grandiose satirical soliloquies. Life is more than a well-turned phrase, you know. So anyway, here it goes...)

The lark is on the wing, the sun is out and shining (or rather, was out and shining) and all is as right as it could be. My exams are over; the results are out and I've passed rather handsomely. I'd have preferred a wee bit more than what I got, but hey, who cares? This is only the house exam, which accounts for a measly 10% of the finals. So those missed marks aren't going to hurt that much.

Life is a bit easier nowadays. Well, I shouldn't say easier. My dad is mad at me for the umteenth time this year and has barely spoken a word to me for the past two days. This phase has seen a sharp recession in my daily chores... hey, maybe that's why I'm feeling so darn happy! Apart from that, I've finally gotten back to playing on my PS2, and monster-bashing and car-crashing certainly gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling inside. If only I could share this with someone...

Typical, nah? Happy happy, joy joy, and then wham! Throw in the sadness. Yup, I'm still alone, still waiting for that special someone to come along and just make me go crazy. Not that I haven't found girls I liked, it's just that I didn't feel that spark... you know, that fizzing burning sensation that makes your ears go red and your heart palpitate like a jackrabbit on steroids. People have told me that I'm too demanding, that I should be satisfied with what I get... I say sucks to them!! Somewhere out there, someone special has my name on a placard in her hands, and damn if I'm going to miss the real thing for some sidey fling.

By the way, I did find someone, but she was otherwise engaged... sigh! You just can't win, can you? Life has this habbit of dangling a Mars bar in front of you and then suddenly, cruelly even, snatching it away right from your hands. The only thing that one can do is power up the PS2 and crack open some alien skulls. Who says video games are harmful?

P.S. Almost forgot to mention. The song is by Saigon Kick. I haven't heard any other song of theirs, but I love this one.


Betty Foy said...

You think THAT'S tragic... my dear, dear boy... Heath Ledger is dead... beat that.

Kirra Serra said...

"and monster-bashing and car-crashing certainly gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling inside"... must I mention what is wrong with that statement...?
And yes, you are being demanding. It is not like you are choosing your bride-to-be, you know (this advice just came from your younger sister... right.).