Monday, August 10, 2009

King Of Fools

I don't think many people are going to disagree with this. My parents have made it pretty clear that I have the mental acuity of a retarded rabbit. And the way I have been acting these past few days is a testament to this. By the way, the song is by Poets of the Fall.

You know that little voice in the back of your head? The one that pipes up every now and then and gets you back on the straight and narrow? I think mine asphyxiated under the gunk that crowds my cranium. Time and time again I start the day with the firm resolve of not making an ass out of myself. And time and time again I end up taking idiocy to a whole new level. I'm the joker in the pack, and at some weird screwy level I'm friggin' enjoying it.

I always thought that I was a level-headed chap. Eccentric yes, but able to draw the line when required. Turns out I am not. I'm the biggest doodoohead this side of loony town. I act like an overactive chimp in a banana orchard, and God forbid I get liquor in my system! The only good thing that can be said about that happenstance is I always come up with new shit. Entertaining for all and sundry, but extremely embarrassing for yours truly.

Why do I get myself in these situations? It's not as if I want the attention. Far from it. I'm happy doing my own thing and don't need public affirmation of the same. And I'm certainly not that dumb. Quite a bit yes, but not this much. Then why? It's like I have a split personality, a Hyde dwelling inside my carcass who crops up at the most inopportune moments and defies any and every notion of sanity that civilization holds. It was fun for a while, but it's high time that I buckle down and get a grip. Things can't go on like this.

I'm not a kid anymore. No one is going to get my ass out of the sling. I have to realize that. Friends can help me only that much, beyond which I have to take the fall. It's a big bad world after all.

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